Thursday, April 10, 2008

L.U.S.T Meeting a success!

Thanks everyone for your support and input on Wednesday night, it was sick!

Well the verdict is that everyone was stoked and would like competitions and social events starting asap. All feed back and suggestions are welcome so email us and we can act on you ideas.

We are going to get right into organising the first competition at tama shanter, and also finish off the sponsorship proposal for Boags... We are also going to hit up Virgin Blue for some help too...

Omlette is going to start working on the surf company reps for prices and give aways for the next event, we will keep you posted.

If you see any of the L.U.S.T crew or myself around the joint make sure you say gday, oh yeah just to rub it I scored 3 foot Snapper/Superbank in board shorts yesterday going off with only about 30 people out!!!

AGM Wrap up- All position holders can be contacted vie email

President- Andy Hartley

Vice President- Hamish Wilkinson (Omlette)

Treasurer- Rudy Shaltz (Rude Box)

Secretary- Clancy McGowen (Clanger)

First Aid Officer- Rhys the nurse

Clothing will be up on this site next week for sale.

Remember to email any photos up from surf trips/big nights out and we can put them up on the blogsite.
Was great to finally meet you all, thanks again. Remember to spread the word and get ya mates to join up before the first surf comp...

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