Monday, May 12, 2008

L.U.S.T teams up with the "Surfrider Foundation"

Ahoy there, great news!!!
We will be conducting a beach clean up after the Chocolate Barrels Classic at Tam O'Shanter with the aid of the Surfrider Foundation.
The Surfrider Foundation is a not for profit organisation dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world's oceans, waves and beaches for all people. Check out the web site, its pretty sick!
They also run some of the most remote and hardcore surf trips/beach clean ups around Tassie and the rest of the world. I wont say too much now as you can meet the boys on the day and ask them about it...
Ask them about the last trip to the South West Cape of Tas a couple of months ago.. mind blowing perfect surf and they collected over 4 tonnes of rubbish of the pristine beaches!

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